R&D Kitchen Logo

Welcome to R&D (Research and Development) Kitchen! My name is Ryan Fritsch, and I am both the developer of this website and chef of the food you see. After being asked a few times by family members what things I enjoyed cooking in 2018, and only being able to respond with "Well I made a lot of chicken, rice, and veggies... sometimes I made pasta with different sauces...", I realized that I needed to improve my cooking skills. With that in mind, I declared my 2019 New Year's Resolution would be to cook (or bake) one new meal that I had never made before every week of the year. How hard could that be? I figured I was going to be making food at home most nights anyways, so why not branch out and try making new things. Plus, at the end of the year, I would have 52 new meals I knew how to cook in my repertoire.

But what's the point of completing this challenge if I didn't have a way to document my creations and share them with friends/family? I decided to put my web development software knowledge to use, and created this site (using ReactJS/GatsbyJS and Heroku, for any software people reading this). Each meal page will have a photograph, rating, description, ingredients list, and cooking instructions. Like a normal recipe website, every recipe will have its own page and internet URL which can be bookmarked, or shared with friends and family. When the year is over, I will be able to go back and reference any of the 52 meals I made, and the instructions for making the meal again will be right there. I think it will be a great project when it's all said and done! It should be a fun year of Researching new recipes, and Developing my cooking skills, as well as this website.

Thank you for visiting R&D Kitchen, and I hope you enjoy the food!